Quartier du Vieux Chapus

This small neighborhood of fishermen and oyster farmers, with its low-slung houses and narrow streets, is a charming place to discover.
Quartier Vieux Chapus
Quartier Vieux Chapus
Quartier Vieux Chapus
Quartier du Vieux Chapus
Quartier du Vieux Chapus
Quartier du Vieux Chapus
Quartier du Vieux Chapus
Quartier du Vieux Chapus

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


The district has existed since the 15th century. The toponymy of the streets in Vieux Chapus evokes the seafaring activity of the time: rue des Mousses, rue des Pêcheurs, Place des Pilotes (pilots were the people who drove the boats into the harbor).

Place des Pilotes is truly the heart of the district. At n°18, you can see a very original early 20th-century seaside villa. The owner has decorated the various facades of this house with mosaics of his own creation, made from small pieces of earthenware.

Head for the quay on the Chapus beach. This is where the port was located in the Middle Ages. In those days, the village's inhabitants made their living mainly from the maritime economy. The restored quay is a reminder of the salt and fishing trade. Later, with the construction of Fort Louvois in the 17th century, the port was moved to the Pointe du Chapus.

Today, the bay is dedicated to oyster farming, with the Daire channel and its colorful oyster huts to the north. It's a beautiful spot. From here, you can see all the huts, as well as the ramparts of the Château d'Oléron citadel.

To find out more, ask for the "Le Vieux Chapus" information sheet, available from the Bourcefranc - Le Chapus Tourist Office.


Quartier du Vieux Chapus Place des Pilotes17560, Bourcefranc-le-ChapusFrance



Parking nearby
Pets welcome
Animals welcome
Visit possible
Services for individual visits
Unguided individual tours available permanently
Historic patrimony
Old port
Town / Village
15th C
20th C


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