Moulin de la Plataine

This 17th-century windmill (1650) is in a remarkable state of preservation.
Moulin de la Plataine

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)

Libre accès extérieur uniquement en dehors des périodes de visites commentées.
Visites commentées possibles en juillet, août et les journées du Patrimoine en septembre.


The powerful and influential Abbaye-aux-Dames de Saintes granted land to local peasants for farming. Most of this land was covered by forest. From the second half of the 11th century onwards, major land-clearing operations were encouraged by the monks.

Peasants grouped together to form a land village. They were granted tax exemptions, and this privilege gave rise to a "bourg-franc" (free market town). This medieval "bourg-franc" later took the name of Bourcefranc.

Windmills were already appearing in the Middle Ages. They were associated with a milling house, land and vineyards. The Plataine mill has a quéreux (in Charentais dialect, a space shared by several owners) with a timbre (a trough for watering animals) and a pulley well.

Entirely restored by its former owner, it now belongs to the commune of Bourcefranc-Le Chapus, which purchased it and the nearby miller's house in 2003. An association has been set up to restore the mill to full working order and provide tours of the site.

Guided tours are available in high season (July-August) and during Heritage Days.


Moulin de la Plataine 1 rue de la Plataine17560, Bourcefranc-le-ChapusFrance



Themed tour
Village centre
Services for individual visits
Guided individual tours on request
Historic patrimony


See number

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