Walks and hikes
For nature-lovers and anyone who enjoys getting out in the great outdoors the time has come to enjoy the unspoilt landscapes of the île d'Oléron and the bassin de Marennes
Out and about in the great outdoors...
Here, we go from sand dunes to cliffs, from forest to vineyards, from man-made oyster channels to tidal fish weirs – an incredible abundance of different habitats in the one place! It’s only by treading the paths less travelled that you’ll discover places you’ve never dreamed of. Make sure you keep your eyes and ears open to take in your surroundings. As you’ll surely have understood by now, the île d'Oléron and the bassin de Marennes offer you a very wide range of walking routes through stunning countryside!

Available in all tourist offices, the guide "Sur les chemins de Marennes-Oléron" (walking trails in Marennes-Oléron) features a variety of itineraries, allowing you to admire our beautiful landscapes at your own pace. You’ll also find a selection of visitor walks on the île d'Oléron and the bassin de Marennes through our website or on your smartphone with the help of the Loopi app. This free app is devoted to the slow tourism experience. Whether you’re on foot or cycling, make your stay even better thanks to the many walks aimed at tourists, taking in must-see places. It’s a very safe way of getting around thanks to voice-guided GPS navigation, even offline!