Circuit pédestre: Balade entre Petit Nieulle et Grand Nieulle

Walking tour : Stroll between Petit Nieulle and Grand Nieulle
Port Paradis
Port Paradis
Port Paradis
Port Paradis
Saloche Nieulle-sur-Seudre
Saloche Nieulle-sur-Seudre
Eglise Nieulle-sur-Seudre
Eglise Nieulle-sur-Seudre
Temple Nieulle-sur-Seudre

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


Nieulle (the "Neuve Ville" or new town) was founded in the 12th century by the priory of Saint-Sornin to develop the salt and wine trade. Two towns soon became distinct. Petit Nieulle, built around a noble house (the manor of Feusse) and Grand Nieulle, around the small château de Toucheronde. Each village had its own religious building, depending on the religious influences of its inhabitants. Petit Nieulle had a temple, while Grand Nieulle built a Catholic church.

On this walk, you'll discover the charm of these two districts, with their wells, church and temple, town hall and saloche set in the middle of the marshes.

Easy route, no particular difficulty.


Circuit pédestre: Balade entre Petit Nieulle et Grand Nieulle Place de la mairie17600, Nieulle-sur-Seudre



In the country
Dans un marais
Village centre
Types of activities and facilities
Pedestrian sports
Hiking itinerary