Circuit du patrimoine de Saint-Georges d'Oléron

A tour dedicated to discovering the historic district of Saint-Georges d'Oléron: its picturesque streets, church and castles. The tour ends at the Près Valets leisure park.
Canton de la Seigneurerie
Eglise de St Georges d'Oléron
Détail Eglise St Georges d'Oléron

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


The town's history dates back to the Middle Ages, when monks arrived on the island of Oleron to exploit the salt and vineyards. A very important seigniory at the time, the village would later become a particularly popular place for wealthy merchants. During the 19th century, a number of vast and beautiful mansions were built, surrounded by gardens and large parks.


Circuit du patrimoine de Saint-Georges d'Oléron 17190, Saint-Georges-d'Oléron



Customers and groups
Level green – easy
Additional features
Open air
Types of activities and facilities
Pedestrian sports
Hiking itinerary


See number

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