Chemin d'Oléron - Itinéraire complet

The Chemin d'Oléron itinerary allows you to tour the entire island. We recommend starting from the villages of Château d'Oléron or Boyardville, and taking at least five days to cover the entire route.
Chemin d'Oléron
Chemin d'Oléron logo

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


On your way to Oléron, you'll get a good overview of the diversity of natural landscapes and built heritage on the island. You'll discover dunes, beaches, forests, vineyards, Belle Epoque villas, mills... as well as numerous plant and animal species.

The months of April to June and September to November are particularly suitable for hiking on the Ile d'Oléron.

Accommodation on the island can sometimes be tricky. Remember to make reservations when planning your stay.

Media files


Chemin d'Oléron - Itinéraire complet Viaduc de l'île d'Oléron17480, Le Château-d'Oléron



Play area
Picnic area
Orientation board
Parking nearby
Public WC
Pets welcome
Animals welcome
Customers and groups
In the country
In a nature reserve
Dans un marais
Beach within 300 m
Close to a public transportation
Village centre
Forest location
Village 2 km away
Additional features
Open air
Types of activities and facilities
Pedestrian sports
Hiking itinerary


See number

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