Chemin d'Oléron - du Château d'Oléron à Boyardville

The hike from Château d'Oléron to Boyardville is one of the stages of the Chemin d'Oléron. It allows you to discover the Moëze-Oléron reserve, and the oyster-farming landscape!
Chemin d'Oléron - Le Château d'Oléron à Boyardville

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


The stage starts at the viaduct, at the entrance to the Ile d'Oléron. Along the way, you'll be able to admire some of the island's natural and cultural heritage: the Dolmen D'ors, Fort Louvois, the Château d'Oléron oyster-farming port, the Moëze - Oléron nature reserve... Until your arrival at the Boyardville marina.

Keep your eyes peeled! Along the way, you may catch a glimpse of sanderlings, small birds familiar to our beaches, running along every wave. You can also sample some samphire. Also known as sea beans, this plant grows at the bottom of the water near salt marshes.


Chemin d'Oléron - du Château d'Oléron à Boyardville Viaduc de l'île d'Oléron17480, Le Château-d'OléronFrance



Picnic area
Car park
Public WC
Customers and groups
Level bue - Medium
In a nature reserve
Dans un marais
Town location
Close to a public transportation
Sea view
Additional features
Open air
Types of activities and facilities
Pedestrian sports
Hiking itinerary


See number

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