Maison de la Nature de l'île d'Oléron

The Maison de la Nature de l'île d'Oléron offers a wide range of educational activities and events throughout the year, and works to raise awareness of the need to protect nature and marine heritage on the island of Oleron.
Maison de la Nature de l'île d'Oléron
Maison de la Nature de l'île d'Oléron
Maison de la Nature de l'île d'Oléron
Maison de la Nature de l'île d'Oléron
Maison de la Nature de l'île d'Oléron

Dates & opening times

Open from 02/01/2024 to 31/12/2024 the monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday as of 09:30 to 17:30

Ouvert ponctuellement aux heures d'activités ou sur demande pour les groupes.

Nouveauté 2024

Deux nouveaux escape game dans la Citadelle du Château d'Oléron "Les archives secrètes de la Citadelle" pour des participants expert en escape game "Mission infiltration" escape game familial à partir de 8ans Le jeu d'enquête et géocaching "Ostréo game" en autonomie sur le port du Château d'Oléron


The Maison de la Nature de l'Ile d'Oléron is dedicated to the knowledge and respect of biodiversity as part of the protection of nature and the environment. Its main aim is to raise awareness of the need for eco-citizen action to protect our natural heritage. A number of discovery activities are offered both inside and outside the Maison de la Nature:

- The cultural center for the natural marine heritage of the Charentais Pertuis provides a better understanding of the exceptional biodiversity of our coastline, the threats posed by pollution and major natural hazards, through a fun and educational trail adapted to a very young audience, exhibitions and outdoor tours.

- Nature outings for families or individuals, with nature guides to discover the marine environment, the forest, the dunes, wild plants and remarkable protected sites in Oleron;

- family treasure hunts at a number of emblematic natural sites, with logbooks and GPS units on loan for the duration of the investigation;

- nature escapades for older children;

- nature workshops introducing aromatherapy and phytotherapy, and making your own cosmetics;

- discovery classes on a standard or customized program, with our specialized "marine environment for sustainable development" animator.



Maison de la Nature de l'île d'Oléron 2, route des huîtres17480, Le Château-d'OléronFrance



Car park
Free car park
Bicycle parking
Guided tours
Customers and groups
Additional features
Famille Plus


See number Website

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