La statue de la place Chasseloup-Laubat

A statue stands in the middle of Place Chasseloup Laubat, representing an illustrious figure: Samuel Prosper Justin Napoléon, Marquis de Chasseloup Laubat.
Statue Prosper Chasseloup Laubat

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


The first statue, in bronze, was erected in September 1874 and inaugurated with great fanfare on the former esplanade, then known as Place des Aires. It represents an illustrious figure: Samuel Prosper Justin Napoléon, Marquis de Chasseloup-Laubat (1805-1873), parliamentarian, four-time minister (navy, colonies) and statesman.

During the Second World War, the bronze statue was recovered by the occupying forces and melted down. In 1948, the present limestone statue was erected on the old base.

His father, François Chasseloup de Laubat, married the daughter of François Fresneau, owner of Château de La Gataudière in the commune of Marennes, which was to become part of the family for good.

Throughout his life, he showed his attachment to the Charente-Inférieure region by representing it as a member of parliament. From then on, this square bore his name, and immediately became the liveliest and most pleasant spot in the town.


La statue de la place Chasseloup-Laubat Place Chasseloup Laubat17320, Marennes-Hiers-BrouageFrance



Parking nearby
Pets welcome
Animals welcome
Town location
In centre of town
Close to a public transportation
Bus stop < 500 m
Cycle track/route within 500 m
Close to pleasure port
Visit possible
Services for individual visits
Unguided individual tours available permanently
Services for group visits
Unguided group tours available permanently