Chapelle Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Nicolas - La Cotinière

Next to the port of La Cotinière, don't miss a visit to the chapel. Simple in construction, this little church is nevertheless not without charm. Its story, with its many twists and turns, is explained inside the building.
Chapelle La Cotinière
Chapelle La Cotinière

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


The history of this chapel is longer than it seems! A place of worship (Saint-Nicolas chapel) existed in the middle of the village, but it is said to have been silted up around the 6th century.

It wasn't until 1957 that the "Notre-Dame des Flots" chapel was built with the help of the villagers. Unfortunately, the ground was not stable and the building sank...

Finally, in 1966, architect Kieffer launched the construction of a third chapel on the edge of the harbor. The "Notre Dame de La Cotinière et Saint-Nicolas" chapel has been

opened for worship on April 14, 1968. This is the chapel you can see today.

Although the building remains humble, it features beautiful stained glass windows and a wall of crosses paying tribute to all those lost at sea.


Chapelle Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Nicolas - La Cotinière Quai Renaud Delouteau17310, Saint-Pierre-d'OléronFrance



Picnic area
Local activities
Permanent exhibition
Beach within 300 m
Cycle track/route within 500 m
Close to pleasure port
Village centre
Sea view
Panoramic view
Visit possible
Services for individual visits
Unguided individual tours available permanently
Religious heritage
20th C


See number Website

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