Uppercut & One Man Pop

Compagnie Rêvolution opens the evening with Uppercut. Three girls on pointe in a delimited space, a sort of ring, a cage, a dance floor. Then it's the turn of One Man Pop: a dancer who excels in the technique of popping.
Uppercut & One Man Pop

Dates & opening times

Open the 07/06/2024 as of 20:30


Opening the evening, Cie Rêvolution presents an incisive

360° performance: Uppercut. Three girls on pointe in a

a delimited space, a sort of ring, a cage, a dance floor...

No ballerinas or tutus, but atypical dancers who have

decided to urbanize their classical dances as part of their training.

their classical dances. The pointe, that tool for elevation, becomes a sharp weapon

become a sharp weapon, slicing through space and shaping

space and draw geometric, carnivorous shapes.

Then it's the turn of One Man Pop, which brings into the arena

an extraordinary dancer who excels in the technique of

popping technique. Explosive aesthetics, hard-hitting visuals, body blows

before the uppercut and final knockout. Here the gaze

is blurred, the real blurred to take the audience into a

alchemy between music and dance. A total symbiosis where sound

sound contaminates movement. More than a dance, popping

is about bringing music to life through dance to an extreme point

the visual and the auditory merge.


Uppercut & One Man Pop Place Gambetta17310, Saint-Pierre-d'OléronFrance





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