Théâtre d'ardoise - Jérôme Rouger & Wally

One-man comedy show Jérôme Rouger, advice to the audience Wally, My distinction
Jérôme Rouger
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Dates & opening times

Open the 02/08/2024 as of 19:00


8pm: Jérôme Rouger: Advice to the audience

At the end of a show, you'll never see the audience wondering whether it was good or not. Audiences are rarely aware of the influence they have on the course of a performance. In this one-man show, Jérôme Rouger demonstrates just how important the audience's role is during a performance. He gives some tips on how to be a good spectator, and what mistakes not to make, to ensure that future performances go as smoothly as possible for both audience and performers.

Jerôme has already been to the Théâtre d'ardoise several times to perform his wonderful shows: "je me souviens", "pourquoi les poules préfèrent être élevées en batterie", and "un grand concert de klaxons et d'essuies glaces".

Now he's back with a new, confidential show, previewed for our delight.

9:30pm: WALLY - Ma distinction

Life story of a working-class son turned artist

Lilian Derruau (Wally)

Directed by Jérôme Rouger

Lighting Xavier Lefrançois - sound Pascal Roux

Lilian Derruau was born in Decazeville to a father who was a fitter and a mother who didn't make coffee very well. At the age of ten, like all his friends, he tried to get into soccer, but found that it was "blocked". At twelve, he was given a guitar and saved up for the next six months to finally buy the strings...

In Ma Distinction, Lilian Derruau tells his story, from his childhood in a working-class housing estate to his discovery of the world of show business, which he will explore under the name of Wally, a singer with a funny streak. As this memory reappears, he can't help but link his experiences with some of Pierre Bourdieu's thoughts, in which he recognizes himself. His story is also that of working-class France in the 70s, with its more or less symbolic dominations.

Was he able to get a grip on these social mechanisms? Did he rise? Did he become a class defector? All these questions are posed with humor, truculence and self-mockery, in a show that aims to be profoundly joyful.

Reservations via Hello Asso:


Théâtre d'ardoise - Jérôme Rouger & Wally le Chenal d'Arceauroute de Bellevue17550, Dolus-d'OléronFrance



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Online payment
Minimum age
12 month


From 02/08/2024 to 02/08/2024
One price



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