Théâtre d'ardoise -Jean-Jacques Vanier

Jean-Jacques Vanier: A la recherche de la recherche, new show Part 1: Jean-Marc Chailloleau - Histoires d'ici
Théâtre d'ardoise -Jean-Jacques Vanier
Théâtre d'ardoise -Jean-Jacques Vanier
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Dates & opening times

Open the 09/08/2024 as of 19:00


8pm: Jean Marc Chailloleau - stories from here

It's a real pleasure for me to open the floor to Jean Jacques, without really knowing, as I write these lines, what I might tell you. We'll do as usual, and see what happens!

9:30pm: Jean Jacques Vanier

A la Recherche de la recherche (or let the great Proust take a bite out of me).

But how long has he been coming? We don't really know anymore. Jean Jacques has literally taken out a subscription to the Théâtre d'Ardoise.

As well as being without doubt one of France's greatest and finest comedians, he's a godfather and a lucky charm to us, and comes back regularly every year. This year, it's with a new show that he's giving us a sneak preview. A la recherche de la recherche...

Don't try to find out if it's good, or what it's about, don't look for the whys and wherefores, Jean Jacques is a sure bet, and we love to bathe with him in the absurd, the unreal, the poetic, the funny things in life that make our eyes pop out. Come without fear or hesitation, we guarantee laughter, humor and good humor. Thank you Jean Jacques for your exceptional talent and your loyalty to our theater.

"To make the audience howl with laughter at Marcel Proust... It's unexpected, and yet Jean-Jacques Vanier manages it with ease and real glee." La Provence, live from Avignon.

Reservations via Hello Asso:


Théâtre d'ardoise -Jean-Jacques Vanier le Chenal d'Arceauroute de Bellevue17550, Dolus-d'OléronFrance



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Online payment
Minimum age
12 month
Various arts
One man Show / One woman show


From 09/08/2024 to 09/08/2024
One price



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