Les Mardis Musicaux - Concert - Bobo & Behaja

Bobo & Behaja is the musical encounter between saxophonist Maxime Bobo and Malagasy tsapiky band Behaja. Transe/Bal poussière guaranteed!
Les Mardis Musicaux - Concert - Bobo & Behaja

Dates & opening times

Open the 30/07/2024 as of 21:00


Passionate about Malagasy tsapiky for the past ten years, saxophonist Maxime Bobo has been traveling regularly since 2018 to the Tuléar region, the cradle of this music in southwest Madagascar, to meet, record and play with numerous tsapiky mandriampototse (bal-poussière) groups.

Following an initial collaboration between Electric Vocuhila and Behaja - one of the leading tsapiky groups of today - Bobo & Behaja explore the new sounds and frenetic rhythms of tsapiky in a streamlined formula, creating an original combination with the saxophone that is both rooted in tradition and profoundly modern.

Tsapiky is a young musical style born in the Tuléar region of south-west Madagascar in the late 1970s from the meeting of village traditions and modern African music, and for which the electric guitar has become the king instrument.

It is played mainly in "bal-poussière", during ceremonies organized for weddings, funerals, circumcisions or other events, and during which musicians play from morning until dawn for several days.


Les Mardis Musicaux - Concert - Bobo & Behaja Esplanade musicaleBoulevard Pierre Wiehn17370, Saint-Trojan-les-Bains



Disability access
Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Electronic music


See number Website

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