Exposition d'art : Voyage dans l'Imaginaire / LIFE IN PLASTIC

Claudine Ngala and her daughter Maïlys Ngala present their respective works at the Forge Prison in Brouage: acrylic paintings and plastic art.
Peinture 1
Peinture 2
Peinture 3
Maïlys Ngala 1
Maïlys Ngala 2
Maïlys Ngala 3

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 05/08/2024 to 11/08/2024 as of 10:00 to 18:00


At the Forge Prison in Brouage, Claudine Ngala presents her abstract acrylic and knife paintings, entitled "Voyage dans l'Imaginaire". She loves working with materials, colors and light. She paints by instinct, feeling and emotion.

Her daughter, Maïlys Ngala, will be exhibiting her work alongside her, in a co-exhibition entitled "LIFE IN PLASTIC". Here, she presents her first completed works, produced from 2023 onwards, using a technique of her own invention, which offers a three-dimensional rendering. Each work evolves differently according to the light and the viewing angle. For all her creations, she uses mainly recycled materials: fragments of plastic bottles are precisely embedded in cardboard, limiting the use of glue or other solvents to a strict minimum. The canvas and stretcher are supports that form an integral part of the work. The whole is consolidated, as much as sublimated, by the paint.


Exposition d'art : Voyage dans l'Imaginaire / LIFE IN PLASTIC Forge PrisonBrouage17320, Marennes-Hiers-BrouageFrance



Visual/graphic arts


See number

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