Exposition d'art -Luminescence , art et bijoux.

The "Luminescence" exhibition presents the work of two artists: Stephen and Laurence Clary.
Exposition d'art -Luminescence , art et bijoux.
Exposition d'art -Luminescence , art et bijoux.
Exposition d'art -Luminescence , art et bijoux.
Exposition d'art -Luminescence , art et bijoux.
Exposition d'art -Luminescence , art et bijoux.
Exposition d'art -Luminescence , art et bijoux.

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 24/06/2024 to 30/06/2024


Always inspired by flowers and nature, which he increasingly likes to deconstruct and, as it were, explode into fragments to represent their vitality and vivacity, Stephen, like many artists, likes to work in series. His work explores the tension between our desire to control and manipulate nature, and the deep-seated desire to connect with the natural world, in his own words.

Stephen is currently working on a new series inspired by the oyster huts of the Ile d'Oléron and Marennes.

Laurence Clary is the self-taught creator of the hand-painted jewelry brand "Quai des Fleurs". She creates

unique, hand-painted paper jewelry inspired by her love of color and originality. Her creations are cheerful, full of life and color, and always with "a touch of glitter". Laurence paints her paper and embellishes it with gold/silver/copper leaf before assembling the pieces with glass beads. She then resins the jewelry she has created, to ensure that it remains resistant to humidity. Laurence also makes her own paper beads, with which she creates bracelets. Each of her creations is, of course, unique!


Exposition d'art -Luminescence , art et bijoux. Forge RoyaleBrouage17320, Marennes-Hiers-BrouageFrance



Arts and crafts


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