Exposition d'art : Les traces du passé

Emmanuel Nouaillier exhibits mini-sculptures, traces of a (re)composed past. His creations combine engraving, sculpture, assemblage and painting.
Café de l'industrie cadre
Façade délabrée
Façade main
Les bières Pousset

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 05/08/2024 to 11/08/2024 as of 10:00 to 18:00


Emmanuel Nouaillier is the author of several books on his technical approach. His works and their prints have been exhibited as far afield as Australia, and collected in Europe, the USA and Asia.

Emmanuel Nouaillier's approach is to retain memory, time, presence and traces through mini-sculptures, poetic and nostalgic fragments of an urban landscape that disintegrates over time. These creations, like traces of a (re)composed past, combine engraving, sculpture, assemblage and painting, underlining the ephemerality of the built environment while freezing the stories associated with it. Beyond the immediate time of the gaze, the works maintain a relationship with the long time of history. Facades from a completely "different" era, worn down by the years, form the outlines of an urban archaeology that the viewer will enjoy discovering. For some, they will evoke memories, for others they will provoke emotions, transporting them to places preserved by abandonment from the wounds of contemporary time.


Exposition d'art : Les traces du passé Forge RoyaleBrouage17320, Marennes-Hiers-BrouageFrance



Visual/graphic arts


See number

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