Exposition d'art : Erreur 13, photographies d'oiseaux

Antoine Dusart (1st prize at the Festival de l'Oiseau et de la Nature in the "Artistic Vision" category in 2023, Grand Prize winner of the Belgian Emotion'Ailes competition in 2021) exhibits his ornithological photographs at the Forge Prison in Brouage.
Erreur 13 - 1
Erreur 13 - 2
Erreur 13 - 3
Erreur 13 - 4

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 19/08/2024 to 25/08/2024 as of 10:00 to 18:00


Birdwatching requires patience. Time stretches and your perception of your surroundings changes. Dozens of minutes, even hours, in front of a still image, sometimes conversing with yourself, feeling like you're part of the scenery. Waiting. Waiting again. Waiting for that tipping point when, suddenly and imperceptibly, what appears before us no longer seems quite the same. A presence. It's like a door opening into another world, governed by an unknown language and codes, where certainties fall away until we no longer know whether the silhouette in front of us is that of a bird or a strange chimera.

Antoine Dusart discovered wildlife photography in 2018. He loves to disappear into the environment and use nature's inexhaustible variety of textures and colors to sublimate the birds he encounters. Concerned to respect their intimacy and habitats, he wishes above all, through his images and stories, to recreate the link between humans and other living beings. Antoine Dusart won 1st prize in the "Artistic Vision" category at the Festival de l'Oiseau et de la Nature in 2023, and the Grand Prize in the Belgian Emotion'Ailes competition in 2021.


Exposition d'art : Erreur 13, photographies d'oiseaux Forge PrisonBrouage17320, Marennes-Hiers-BrouageFrance





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