Balade contée insolite "Villas mystérieuses"

Balade contée insolite "Villas mystérieuses"

Dates & opening times

Open the 24/07/2024 as of 20:30
Open the 14/08/2024 as of 20:30


This summer, we'll be meeting along the seafront for 2 unusual storytelling walks (July 24 and August 21) in the company of storyteller Sophie Salleron on the theme of mysterious villas.

These are seaside villas from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, built from a variety of materials and designed according to different regionalist inspirations.

We'll stop in front of a few of them and share some anecdotes linked to the singularity of each of these villas.

We'll also be taking a poetic and contemplative stroll through tales, contemporary poems and stories.

An anthology of texts by Edgar Poe, Théophile Gauthier, Chinese tales and contemporary poems will be read and recounted along the way.

Allow 2 hours for the walk. Bring good shoes and a little wool for the evening breeze.


Balade contée insolite "Villas mystérieuses" Sur la digue face au portail du centre de santé "Les Trémières"Boulevard Félix Faure - La petite plage17370, Saint-Trojan-les-Bains



Storytelling walk
Guided tour


See number

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