Square ludique

Children's games, fitness apparatus, balance courses... From the youngest to the oldest, there's something for everyone. The square is ideally located along the pedestrian path linking the town center to the Citadel.
Square ludique
Square ludique
Square ludique
Square ludique

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


Partly shaded, slides, swings and other balance games will delight the little ones, on sandy ground. Older children can go to the other end of the small wooded park to try out the fitness equipment or the balance course. There's also a picnic table where you can relax in peace and quiet.


Square ludique Square Jean MoulinAvenue de la Citadelle17480, Le Château-d'OléronFrance



Types of activities and facilities
Miscellaneous sports
Weight training/fitness area
Recreational activities
Picnic area
Games for children


See number

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