Centre équestre des Trémières

L'écurie des Trémières offers a range of services and activities, for beginners and advanced riders alike, in top-quality facilities that will delight horses and people alike!
Centre saut
Balade plage
Centre équestre des Trémières

Dates & opening times

Open from 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024 the monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday as of 08:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 19:30


Located in La Cotinière on the Ile d'Oléron, Écurie des Trémières, run by Bruno Arnoux, welcomes owners looking for a pleasant, motivating environment and top-quality facilities, as well as children who want to learn to ride a pony and start a leisure or competitive activity.

A range of quality services:

- Boarding for horses and ponies in stalls or pastures

- 1/2 board for ponies or horses

- Work and fitness for your horse

- Breaking-in and presentation of young horses

- Competition outings

- Rides

- Purchase and sale of horses and ponies

- Sale of the full range of Equigold feeds

Owners' stable:

- Offers a complete cycle of preparation and competitions.

- It also prepares young horses for the classic cycle.

Pony club:

This activity enables us to meet demand, expand our membership and start training our riders earlier.

Open to the public Monday to Saturday.


Centre équestre des Trémières Chemin des ToumelinesMaisonneuve17310, Saint-Pierre-d'OléronFrance



Car park
Parking nearby
Pets welcome
Animals welcome
Payment method
Credit transfer
In the country
Village 2 km away
View over the vineyards
Types of activities and facilities
Equestrian sports
Equestrian centre
Horse riding itinerary


See number Website

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