Marché du Château d'Oléron

Mainly food market on weekdays in and around the covered market. On offer: bakery, butcher, delicatessen, wine-pineau, cheese-maker, fishmonger, greengrocer, oyster farmer..... until 23/02, the market is moved to the parking lot.
Le marché couverf et la fontaine
Intérieur du marché couvert

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/07 to 31/08 as of 07:30 to 12:30 (all years)
Open all days from 01/09 to 30/06 as of 08:00 to 12:30 except on monday (all years)

Ouvert les lundi de Pâques, de Pentecôte et éventuellement autres lundis fériés du printemps ou des vacances scolaires

Exceptional closing the 25/12/2024 and the 01/01/2025


Sunday morning market: a large food market in and around the covered market, with numerous shops in addition to those on offer during the week, and a fairground market on the entire Place de la République: clothing, jewelry, hardware, leather....

Season: every morning.

Off-season: every morning except Monday. Open on Easter Monday, Whit Monday and possibly other spring holidays.

From January 9, 2024 to February 23, due to painting work in the covered market, merchants wishing to do so will set up outside on the Place de la République. Depending on the day, there will be fish, oysters, bread, fruit and vegetables, butcher's and delicatessen...


Marché du Château d'Oléron Place du marché17480, Le Château-d'OléronFrance



Pets welcome
Animals welcome
Town location
In centre of town
Close to a public transportation
Bus stop < 500 m
Commercial event
Regional Products


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