¡ Poesía ! Eddy Maucourt chante Paco Ibañez

Singer Eddy Maucourt performs Paco Ibañez's most beautiful songs. ¡ Poesía! takes you on a poetic and poignant journey, thanks to Eddy Maucourt's powerful voice and virtuoso guitar, in tune with the church's magnificent acoustics.
Affiche Oléron Poesia 2024
Eddy Maucourt

Dates & opening times

Open the 25/08/2024 as of 21:00 to 22:15


To speak of peace in times of war, and of freedom in the face of totalitarianism. This is the work of Paco Ibañez, to whom Eddy Maucourt will pay a poignant tribute in the marvellous acoustics of Saint-Pierre church, with his powerful voice and flamenco guitar.

A journey through Spain's greatest pacifist poets, set to music by the singer Paco Ibañez over fifty years ago, when he was just starting out in Paris's Latin Quarter, becoming, in the words of Salvador Dali himself, "The voice of Spain"!

With Eddy Maucourt, you'll discover or rediscover these magnificent songs, sometimes melancholy but always sunny, which have stood the test of time thanks to their power and their universal, timeless message. Poems set to song, like those of Garcia Lorca, and profound, eternal themes, above all peace, love and freedom. An hour of poetry, from which the audience will emerge stronger in a world that constantly reminds us that we must defend its humanist values.

Media files


¡ Poesía ! Eddy Maucourt chante Paco Ibañez Église Saint-PierreÉglise Saint-Pierre - 45 Rue de la République17310, Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron



Disability access
Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Mental disability
Hearing disability
Visual disability
Possibility of drop-off in front of the site
Site, building totally accessible
Payment method


See number Website

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