Exposition "Peintures en Oléron" - Christiane Boyer et JP Bertin

Painting exhibition on the theme of "Peintures en Oléron", with numerous oil paintings on canvas in all formats. Nocturne on Saturday and Sunday evenings.
JPB Mon Bateau

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 26/07/2024 to 01/08/2024 as of 10:00 to 20:00


The magnificent sites of the island and its activities are painted with the feeling of each artist, Christiane Boyer and JP Bertin, of a superb light enlivening the works, and this, for the love of painting, decoration, or simply a memory of vacations.

If you love the island of Oleron, come one, come all, there's a painting waiting for you.


Exposition "Peintures en Oléron" - Christiane Boyer et JP Bertin Salle de l'Ancienne CriéeRue de l'Ancienne CriéePort de La Cotinière17310, Saint-Pierre-d'OléronFrance





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