
Set a course for the île d'Oléron and the bassin de Marennes
This website contains all the information you need to plan your stay and make your bookings: hotels, campsites, guesthouses, rentals, restaurants, leisure activities and more – your holiday begins here !
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Our current news
Are you looking for things to do during a stay on Île d'Oléron and Marennes Basin? Take advantage of a selection of promotional offers by our partners.

On foot or by bike, plan your itinerary and discover the Île d'Oléron and Marennes Basin.
Choose from a selection of walks or create your own itinerary. Loopi will guide you on the routes, tracks or paths that are most suitable and secured for your next outings.
Events schedule
Fancy going out? Find all events on the Île d'Oléron and Marennes Basin: concerts, exhibitions, guided tours, walks, flea-markets, etc.